How to find a job on days.co.ke

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Upload your CV and build your profile in minutes.We keep your data safe.

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Apply a job that matches your profile,from entry-level to senior executive.

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Over 70% of employers search our CV database without even advertising their jobs.
How to upload CV
Go to your user Dashboard > My Resumes > Add Resume > Fill Resume Form Provided
Note that;
A Complete Profile gives your potential employer all the reasons to hire you,Make sure that you attain 100% profile completion as explained below.
Step 1.
Fill in your Personal information, starting with; Application title (e.g,Manager, Accountant,IT Support,Housekeeping etc. ) then Name, Email, Phone,Nationality,Photo,CV upload,Category and Video (Optional).
This will give you at 100% on the profile completion.
- On the Photo section upload your passport photo which should be less that 50kb,it cannot upload more than 50kb,this can be achieved by utilizing online photo compression sites e.g. https://compressimage.toolur.com/
- On the CV upload section your CV is supposed to be less than 1000kb/1mb and in the following format( txt,doc,docx,pdf,opt,rtf) but preferably pdf. In order to achieve the compression please use the following free online pdf compression sites for example. https://www.ilovepdf.com/
Add as many CV's for different jobs ,the will all appear under my resumes/my cv's
section of your User Dashboard,also as options while applying for new jobs
How do i make my Resume/CV to Satnd out?
1. Include relevant keywords in your CV.
2. Refresh your CV quite often.
3. Build your CV using provided templates for relevant countries, as it was designed specifically for high efficiency,and to capture all the required details that will help narrow down your CV.
4. Get references and recommendations from previous employers and other people who have worked with you.
Create a www.dais.co.ke public profile, as it will increase your chances of being found online.
5. If you need more information, use the following channels; Whatsapp Chat or Messenger Chat buttons on the right bottom of the homepage.Make sure yout phone or computer is connected to Whatsapp or Messenger to utilise this module.
Note: If you need help with your CV your cover letter, our Career Services team is ready to assist you to make you stand out.
How to Apply Jobs
Log onto www.dais.co.ke using your username & password
Click on Job Seeker Control Panel/Dasboard ,
Click on My Resume/ CV’s tab on the menu to create and add your CV using CV builder. Make sure that your profile Status it at 100%.
Click on the Newest Jobs tab under My Stuff to view and apply newest jobs.
Search for a jobs vacancy that is relevant to your experience and that you would like to pursue by specifying your requirements in the “Keywords” box. After you press the “Search” button on the right middle of the website, a list of relevant results will appear.
After you find a job vacancy that matches your qualifications, click on the job title to visit the job vacancy’s page to learn more about it.
At the bottom right of the job vacancy’s page, you will see an ‘Apply Now’ button. Select one of your CVs from the drop down menu, and click the ‘Apply Now’ button.
On successful application you will receive an application acknowledgement email.
General Info
1.Google Chrome
2.Mozilla Firefox
3.Microsoft Edge
Make sure that your internet is stable to be able to upload your files.It is highly reccomded that you use a computer or laptop while doing your application since this will give you enough options to edit and upload your CV.
Incase you are using your smartphone,please have your CV and passport photo readily stored in your file manager,compressed and edited to the right size.
3. Why am I not hearing back from employers?
We understand how job hunting can be really stressful, especially when waiting for responses from potential employers. At DAIS, our team works hard to make sure that your job hunt is as efficient and successful as possible.
What we do is connect people looking for jobs with employers. We do not get involved in the hiring process. Once you apply to a vacancy, your CV is instantly available to the employer by the system. If the employer finds that your CV matches their requirements, we will contact you.
Make sure you follow set job/country guidlines/formats while building your Resumes/Cv's